Thursday, August 27, 2009

Integral consciousness

During a workshop that introduced me to the idea's brought forth in the book Integral consciousness, some new thoughts began to blossom. When we stand in our own group, our own ideal of what we know, defining our lifestyle with a title, whatever that may, we run the risk of taking on an attitude of elitism. I am a self proclaimed Radical unschooler. In naming this, in being this I must consciously keep my mind open to those who proclaim to be something else. I must bring my awareness to the moments when I look upon others with judgement, the times when I operate from a "my way is the way," place. For me, without this awareness, I potentially close the door to knowing others who walk a path different then mine. I miss the opportunity to meet someone where they are at in their own journey and quietly walk by their side noticing subtle differences that can potentially teach me a little more about myself. Whether that learning confirms my current values or shifts something internally that brings forth a new level of consciousness, the inherent value lies in being present to what is alive, in each human I encounter in any given moment.

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