.. I have been faking it just a little bit when it comes to fully trusting my boys will come to reading all on their own with out interference from me. I rely heavily on others I admire in the unschooling community to remind me that this will happen ...
.. I am after all a product of the public school system, from which I jumped full on in to a Bachelor of Education program, graduating with distinction. So, a huger part of the trusting, has been me letting go of what was thrust upon me and embracing what is unfolding in front of me.
.. My oldest is seven nearing eight and if asked by well meaning relatives I will say, "yes he is reading," and then quickly change the subject. Truly, in my wider definition of the word he is reading. He interacts with text, he notices letters and words, he navigates computer and video games screens, points out familiar signs and the such.
.. Recently my eyes have been opened even wider to the amazing process of language understanding that is my sons. He has been pointing out to me, words and letting me know what letter they start with. A basic skill some may say, however, he has devised this system on his own and it is his. His understanding, his terms, his time line and there is a quiet confidence that he exudes while using it.
.. On the way home from the Fedex office last evening, the most hilarious conversation unfolded between the two of us. It began with him again discovering letters that begin words (this time of some of our favorite people)
Son, "You mean K, J, F and F"
Me a little puzzled, trying to devise who he is referring to asking for clarity, he gives me the names and then the humor entails.
Me "actually, Craig is with a C who's making a K sound and Gillian with G who is making the J's and there is silent E ... "
Son, "What the F**K people. Letters should only have one sound. Who made this up people from space."
Not only does this moment highlight the joyful, hilarious relationship I am honored to share with my son. It also showcases to me, that he is continually trying to come to terms with the english language. He is more then learning to read, he is solving a giant puzzle, piece by piece. He is finding his way to an understanding that makes sense to him so he can use it over and over again to encounter new words and situations.
I bow down in gratitude to those who have trusted before me and shared their stories so I could continually be reminded, to do the same.
Oh Shannon...wise one! This is it exactly! Could have been me talking about Nevaen! You have eased the anxiety I feel about this topic and I do know they all sort it out but it's sure nice to hear it from somewhere that is not my own head!